Transaction Screening
Enables customers to submit transaction(s) for screening in real-time to ensure stopping any transaction involving sanctioned entities .
A service to get the information of transactions and transaction statuses
Transactions Screening API allows you to programmatically submit transactions to be screened by the Pelican Screening Service (part of the Pelican’s iCaaS), so that you can easily integrate this step into your transaction flow.
In order to subscribe, you must create an account or sign in.
API Product Recommendations
Enables customers to submit individual name(s) for screening, based on the customer's name and secondary attributes such as gender, date of birth, passport number, nationality id …
Enables customers to perform 'know your customer' checks on individuals and corporates for on boarding purposes or for continuous due diligence.
Enables customers to perform AML transaction monitoring to identify any suspicious or unusual activity that can indicate an AML risk. Alerts are created for investigation and reporting, as necessary .